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 leverage AI for end-to-end clinical trial recruitment.

a logo for mendel an ai technology that support clinical trials
a logo for trinetx an ai technology that support clinical trials
ENROLL WITH LOGO_v2_edited.png

reduce costs, recruit faster, run more efficiently, support your participants better and engage them for longer. We partner with you to start using AI in your recruitment process.

a logo for sqreem an ai technology that support clinical trials
an image of a macbook with technological AI data on screen
a logo for outbrain an ai technology that support clinical trials
creative campaigns

We bridge

the gap
and run AI
optimised clinical trial recruitment for you


AI is emerging as a transformative force for clinical trials. Leveraging AI technology can streamline the intricate process of participant identification, matching, and engagement, resulting in accelerated enrollment timelines and more efficient trials. It's not easy to wrap your head around; so, we bring all best-in-class, well established and emerging clinical trial relevant AI to one place, working with you to find what you need, then managaging the entire process, optimising your trials without additional work.


AI can assist in developing targeted recruitment campaigns by analyzing demographic, geographic, and behavioral data to identify specific populations that are more likely to meet the criteria for a clinical trial. By focusing recruitment efforts on these populations, an enabling efficient design, development, launch and management, AI increases the chances of finding eligible participants, faster and more efficiently.

a mac screen showing how you can use AI to recruit your trials or manage media better

Utilize the benefits of total consent management, to expedite recruitment, onboarding, and improve participant retention. Promote trial engagement and retention by offering offline access, cross-platform TeleVisit scheduling, reminders, and in-app support. Generate high-quality evidence through patient-first data collection, Use operational dashboards for real-time oversight to prevent dropouts, identify trends early, and make well-informed decisions during the clinical trial.

a macbook showing e consent

AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants can engage with potential participants, provide information about clinical trials, and answer frequently asked questions. They can offer 24/7 support, assist with pre-screening questions, and direct interested individuals to the appropriate resources

apple watches show you can use AI to maintain engagement on a trial

AI facilitates the implementation of virtual clinical trials by enabling remote patient monitoring, automating data collection, and analyzing real-time patient insights, streamlining trial processes, enhancing participant engagement, and ensuring accurate and efficient trial outcomes.


1. match or find
eligible patients

2. creative

3. highly targeted
media campaigns

4. go digital and
reduce friction

5. guide patients through consent

6. support patients
on your trial

7. maintain

8. evolve your
virtual trial


AI can mine vast amounts of structured and unstructured data from various sources, such as medical records, social media, and health forums, to identify individuals who may be interested in participating in a clinical trial. 

an image showing our MS recruitment ads

Utilizing AI, clinical trial recruitment campaigns benefit from data-driven precision, identifying optimal audience segments, refining content strategies, and enhancing ad placements to efficiently reach potential participants and ensure campaign effectiveness.


AI can streamline the informed consent process by automating the generation and delivery of consent forms, ensuring they are easily understandable to potential participants. AI can also assist with tracking and managing consent documentation throughout the trial.

a macbook showing how you can use AI to develop chatbots

AI-powered tools, such as mobile apps or wearable devices, can enhance patient engagement during the clinical trial. These tools can collect real-time data, provide reminders, monitor adherence, and facilitate communication between participants and researchers.

reduce fricton
Anchor 6
Anchor 1
match patients
Therapy areas
What we offer


offer one-off (remote or in-person) strategic workshopping to understand where AI can help your recruitment efforts


work on a consultancy basis pre-protocol to understand where AI may increase efficiencies in recruitment or retention. Then managing partnerships worthwhile initiating


work with your in-house legal / regulatory teams to establish validity, safety and approval of AI tools


work in a more traditional agency model & respond to a protocol / recruitment challenges by bespoke proposal of AI tools, then manage the onboarding and utilization of those tools


can use AI to generate isolated pieces of compliant content aligned to brand guidelines for outreach, internal comms, blogs or web.

we start at your pace

06, 07, 08, 09, 10...

at the end of the day, we just want to help you run your trials faster & more efficiently, reduce costs, and make the site, investigator, and patient experience much better. We adapt to your challanges and structure and can work on any project big or small. get in touch, and let's help people get better.

Dr Junaid Bajwa, Chief Medical Scientist

"Advances in AI have the potential to transform many aspects of healthcare, enabling a future that is more personalised, precise, predictive and portable."

World Economic Forum

"AI-driven technologies can help researchers identify potential drug candidates more efficiently, analyze patient data at scale, and accelerate the discovery of new treatments for various diseases."

The Lancet

"The integration of AI and machine learning in clinical trials has the potential to enhance patient recruitment, predict trial outcomes, and optimize study design, ultimately leading to faster and more successful trials."
our experience

therapy areas

with 10+ years supporting clinical trials, we have experience in a wide range of therapy areas. From oncology & rare disease, to auto-immune and vaccines we can support you optimize your trials with AI.

an example of our ad for age releated macular oedema clinical trial
an example of our ad for breast cancer clinical trial
an example of our ad for MS clinical trial
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