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5 Ways AI Will Improve Clinical Trials in 2024

Those using AI in 2024 will humanise the clinical trial experience.

A digital looking flower image generated by AI
An AI Image Generated by Google's Deep Mind

Increased empathy, efficiency and engagement will come from using AI. It seems strange that technology will improve the human experience, but it will, and here are 5 key ways (and some organisations) we see AI benefitting trials in 2024.

Insights & Interpretation:

In 2024, AI's role as a data miner, consolidator and interpreter will improve efficiencies and experiences across all clinical trial operations. We can look at protocols, treatment & therapy insights, patient demographics & behaviours, HCP sentiment, site operations and just about everything else. This ability to gather, consolidate and interpret data rapidly, will offer a deeper understanding of the clinical trial experience for all.

Participant Matching:

By meticulously analyzing electronic & physical health records and other data sources, AI algorithms are significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of patient-trial matching. A targeted approach will streamline the recruitment process, yet, focus will still be required to ensure those eligible are engaged and supported, so they enroll, and stay enrolled.

Personalized Engagement:

AI-driven personalization will be HUGE for enhancing participant engagement. Tailored communication strategies, informed by AI analysis of participant preferences and behaviors, are enabling stronger connection between sponsor / CRO and participant, all whilst sharing valuable information faster. Clinical trial professionals empowered with AI will be able to speak to more patients, more efficiently and more empathetically.

Predictive Retention:

By identifying potential drop-out risks and understanding underlying patterns, AI is enabling proactive measures to improve retention rates. Wearable technology, decentralised trials and live data analysis combine as mechanisms to support this AI optimised predictive retention approach.

Streamlined Compliance:

Here’s one you might not have thought of. AI can HELP the regulatory landscape. We’re all conscious of how we can use AI compliantly, yet, the technologies can and are simplifying the complex landscape of regulatory compliance and documentation. Automated systems and AI-assisted processes are ensuring adherence to regulatory standards, reducing administrative burdens and minimizing risks of non-compliance.

AI's integration in clinical trial operations is not just a possibility but a reality. These trends show how AI will ensure a more efficient, effective, and empathetic future for clinical trials.


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