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SustAInability: How AI can make your trials more climate positive.

Weirdly, we never really hear people talking about sustainability within clinical trials. Yet, the resource intensive world of healthcare and in turn, clinical research, has a huge impact on the environment. Estimates suggest that 4.4 - 4.6% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions are released by the global healthcare industry with clinical trials releasing around 27.5 million tons of emissions. 27.5 million tonnes of emissions matches 30% of the entire emissions released by Bangladesh (there are 163 million people in Bangladesh)!

An AI generated image of greenery coming from a technical looking item
Produced by Google Deep Mind

Now artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing tool in improving almost every aspect of the clinical trial journey, and here, we look at how it can improve your sustainability.

1. Efficient Patient Recruitment:

  • If fewer resources are used to recruit patients, then there’s less environmental impact. Resources such as time, paperwork and travel, can all be reduced.

  • AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify suitable candidates for clinical trials, saving time and reducing the need for excessive patient screenings.

2. Personalized Treatment Protocols:

  • Smaller, more targeted trials require fewer resources and generate less waste.

  • AI can analyze patient data to create personalized treatment plans, reducing the number of patients required in trials.

3. Predictive Analytics:

  • AI-driven predictive models can help forecast patient enrollment and trial outcomes.

  • This prevents over-enrollment, reducing waste and the overall environmental impact.

4. Drug Discovery and Development:

  • AI accelerates drug discovery by identifying potential compounds and analyzing their efficacy.

  • Shortening drug development timelines reduces the need for animal testing and minimizes resource consumption.

5. Real-time Monitoring:

  • AI-powered wearables and sensors enable real-time patient monitoring.

  • This allows researchers to collect data remotely, reducing the need for frequent site visits and transportation, saving both time and resources.

6. Supply Chain Optimization:

  • AI can optimize the supply chain for clinical trials, reducing excess inventory, waste, and energy consumption.

  • This leads to cost savings and a smaller environmental footprint.

7. Data Management and Analysis:

  • AI streamlines data analysis, making it faster and more accurate.

  • This reduces the need for manual data entry and storage, saving paper and physical storage space.

8. Regulatory Compliance:

  • AI can assist in ensuring regulatory compliance, reducing the chances of audits and rework.

  • Fewer regulatory hurdles mean less time and resources are wasted in the trial process.

9. Remote Collaboration:

  • AI-driven telehealth and virtual collaboration tools facilitate remote communication between researchers and patients.

  • This minimizes travel and the associated carbon emissions.

10. Patient Retention:

  • AI can predict and address patient dropouts, improving retention rates.

  • Fewer dropouts mean less wasted effort and resources in replacing lost participants.

Incorporating AI into clinical trials doesn't just streamline the process; it's also a crucial step towards more sustainable and environmentally responsible research. By optimizing patient recruitment, personalizing treatments, and enhancing every aspect of clinical trial management, AI can significantly reduce the environmental impact of healthcare research, while also speeding up the development of life-saving treatments. The synergy between AI and sustainability is a fine example of how technology can benefit not only the present but also the future of healthcare.

Ref: The Carbon Footprint of Clinical Trials. (n.d.).


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